1. Why did you join ASSE?                                     2. What is your official Title?
  1. Percentage of time spent on safety issues? (number of members responded in bold print)
  2. 25% 7; 50% 7; 75% 15; 100% 25

  3. How do you rate ASSE in serving your professional needs?
  4. Poor 4; Adequate 5; Average 20; Above Average 20; Exceptional 2; No remarks 3

  5. How many of the luncheon meetings have you attended in the last 12 months?
  6. Zero 22; One 6; Two 5; Three 6; Four 2; Five 3; Six 5; Seven 0; Eight 4; Nine 1; Ten 0

  7. If you attend the meetings, would you prefer breakfast, lunch or dinner?
  8. Breakfast 7; Lunch 39; Diner 3; No remarks 3

  9. What luncheon subjects would interest you?
  10. 1. DOD, Weather, and Labor- Mgt. Safety 2. Elem. grounding/Self assessment

    3. No remarks 4. HazCom, Respirator protection, Env. safety

    5. No remarks 6. Operational transportation safety

    7. No remarks 8. Something I can use in my present job

    9. No remarks 10. OSHA issues

    11. Technical topics like changes in OSHA stds 12. No remarks

    13. No remarks 14. Ergonomics

    15. Best practices-Look into org, Top mgt speaker 16. No remarks

    17. Unusual specific safety topics, new perspectives 18. All types of S&H issues

    19. Safety related items 20. Ergo, Fall protection, Safety behavior

    21. Construction safety-HIOSH update 22. Let vendors present product lines

    23.Any hazardous waste or Hazardous mtl subj. 24. OSHA new stds, EPA, DOT affecting sm. Bus.

    25. Fall prot, confined space, resp, computer software 26. Fire Protection

    27. Training programs 28. No remarks

    29. Job-site safety inspections 30. Current problems facing safety

    31. Higher level stuff, current issues, no construction 32. No remarks

    33. No remarks 34. No remarks

    35. Fire protection 36. S&H for workers

    37. Construction safety 38. Wrap-up, Ergo std proposal

    39. Technology, practical effective prog, Risk Mgt. 40. New concept in worker safety/cost containment

    41. Something timely & meaningful 42. Construction topics

    43. Safety & Health 44. No remarks

    45 Current trends & technical information 46. No remarks

    47. No remarks 48. No remarks

    49. Safety, Workers’ comp. 50. Changing Corporations safety culture

    51. Ergonomics, behaviorism 51. IH refresher, math, TWA, TLV

    53. No remarks 54. Behavior safety

  11. Do you prefer another place besides the Wisteria Restaurant? Where?
  12. No 24; Yes 21; No response 10

    Ft Shafter CG 1;

    Ft Shafter Ikena 2;

    PH Banyans 5;

    Seabreeze at Hickam 1;

    Military installation 1;

    Airport hotel 1;

    Airport Holiday Inn 1;

    Airport Plaza hotel 1;

    Airport area 1;

    Columbia Inn 1;

    Tony Roma 1;

    Sam Choy’s 1;

    Parking, don’t know 2;

    Not sure 1;

    Almost anyplace 1;

    Wisteria too noisy 1

  13. Do you plan to attend the following? (multiple responses)
  14. Hawaii Traffic Safety Forum (November 2000) Hawaii DOT 12 (None this year)

    Gaspro/ASSE One Day Conference (April 2001) 33

    Governor’s Pacific Rim Safety and Health Conference (April 2002) 46

  15. What conference topics would interest you?

11. Are you interested in the following certifications (check as many as you want)

STS Safety trained supervisor in construction 4

CHST Construction Health and Safety Technician 7

OHST Occupational Health & Safety Technologist 8

ASP Associate Safety and Health Professional 17

CSP Certified Safety Professional 22

                            No response 16

12. What other types of workshops would interest you (besides the safety conferences mentioned in item 8).

13. Should ASSE participate in school and community safety education? No 8; Yes 34; No response 12


  1. What sections or topics would you like to see in the chapter newsletter?

15. Should we partner with other safety and health organizations and industrial organizations? No 10; Yes 38

  1. Please share your idea on the direction you would like our chapter to proceed and how we can service you better. Please give us your opinion.