President |
Term of Office: July 1 -
June 30 |
Leadership to the Chapter organization
- Develop specific goals and coordinate activities of the Chapter
before and during the term of office.
- Direct the preparation of the Long Range Plan. Submit to Society
- Represent the Chapter on the Regional Operating Committee.
- Preside at regular and special meetings of the Executive Committee
and the membership. Prepare agendas for the meetings
- Support and guide the development of Executive Committee Members.
Prepare volunteers for assuming a greater role in Chapter Leadership
- Appoint the Nominating Committee and Special Committees as needed.
Support committee function
- Represent the Chapter at meetings of other organizations when
official representation is of benefit to the society or chapter
- Distribute Society material to the Executive Committee and members
as appropriate.
- Submit an annual report of major Chapter activities to the Regional
Vice President and the Society's Member Services Department by August
1 of the year ending the term
- Oversee the activities of the following committees: (Scholarship,
Governmental Affairs, Bylaws/Planning)
- Delegate responsibilities to appropriate Board members as needed
- Perform other duties as approved by the Executive Committee
- Facilitate an orderly transfer of all records to the succeeding
- Establish a Chapter agenda for the year.
- Establish a Chapter communications plan for the year.
- Submit the names of Chapter officers elected for the ensuring year
promptly to the Regional Vice President and the Society Secretary.
Succeeds from President Elect - two year term
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President |
Term of Office: July 1 -
June 30 |
Assist the
president by supervising Chapter activities
- Preside, in the absence of the President, at the Executive Committee
meetings, regular Chapter meetings and any other functions
- Help committee chairpersons understand their objectives, provide
them counsel and keep in touch with the progress of the following
committee/offices: (Secretary, Treasurer,
- Programs, Professional Development, Awards/Honors)
- Perform other duties as directed by the President and approved by
the Executive Committee.
- Facilitate an orderly transfer of all records to the succeeding Vice
Preside at Executive Board and Chapter meetings in the absence of the
Six year commitment, two years as President Elect, two years as
President and one year as Past President usually moving on the Delegate.
The President Elect nominees
must also have served previously as either Chapter Secretary, Chapter
Treasurer or Member at Large to run for this office.
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Secretary |
Term of Office: July 1 -
June 30 |
Handle the
correspondence and records relating to Chapter administration.
- Record minutes of all Executive Board meetings and review at
subsequent meetings.
- Maintain a chronological log of motions made.
- Distribute and review minutes at all Executive Board meetings and
forward copies to both the Society's Member Services Department and
the Regional Vice President.
- Receive registrations to monthly meetings.
- Document Chapter monthly meeting attendee confirmations and provide
copies to the President and Treasurer prior to each meeting.
- Make monthly meeting arrangements with host facilities, including
meeting rooms, meals, attendee confirmations, speaker audio visual
needs (per the Programs Chairperson), etc.
- Communicate meeting location, time, cost, etc., to Newsletter Editor
and Webmaster.
- Maintain permanent Chapter files, including minutes of meetings and
other correspondence, for two years.
- Maintain and distribute supplies of Chapter stationery.
- Provide the Membership Chairperson with Chapter Alpha Lists and
Monthly Updates supplied by Society headquarters.
- Summarize major Chapter activities for the annual report and forward
copies to the Regional Vice President and the Society's Member
Services Department.
- Maintain custody of the Chapter Charter.
- Assume duties of the Chapter Treasurer when necessary.
- Perform other duties as directed by the President and approved by
the Executive Committee.
- Facilitate an orderly transfer of all records to the succeeding
Must have held ASSE membership for at least one (1) year prior to
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Treasurer |
Term of Office: July 1 -
June 30 |
Chapter financial transactions and establish and monitor the Chapter
- Manage the Chapter's financial affairs in accordance with the
Chapter Administration Guide and Chapter Accounting Procedures.
- Audit the previous Chapter year's financial records and obtain
sign-offs and approvals from past and present Presidents and past
- Transfer check signature authorizations and money market fund
accounts at the beginning of the Chapter year.
- Supervise the receipt and disbursement of funds as directed by the
Chapter Executive Committee..
- Monitor all National ASSE payment of Chapter dues for the
- Manage Chapter money market and savings account.
- Prepare a monthly Treasurer's report of the Chapter's financial
status for the Executive Committee that follows an approved format.
- Maintain a ledger of all Chapter payments and receipts.
- Maintain individual files for bank statements, cancelled checks,
paid invoices and vouchers.
- Manage Chapter meeting attendee admission by collecting money and
documenting transactions. Maintain program attendance records and
perform analysis of trends as directed by the Executive Committee
- Deposit all Chapter income into a bank specified by the Executive
Committee and issue payments from that account for all expenditures
approved by the Executive Committee.
- Work with the Newsletter Chairperson to recommend advertisement
prices to the Executive Committee and assist with the management of
- Prepare a budget for the activity year in cooperation with the
Executive Committee.
- Maintain Chapter financial records, including past five year copies
of Chapter Financial Reports and supporting documents.
- By March 1 of the program year, inform Society headquarters of
Chapter dues for the following year.
- Prepare an annual financial report (audited income & expense
statement for fiscal year ending June 30) at the close of the Chapter
fiscal year for audit by the Executive Committee; forward original
audited report to the Society's Accounting Department and a copy to
the Regional Vice President by August 1 of the term year.
- Submit any required tax documents to the IRS.
- Assume the duties of the Secretary when necessary.
- Perform other duties as directed by the President and approved by
the Executive Committee.
- Facilitate an orderly transfer of all records to the succeeding
Must have held ASSE membership for at least one (1) year prior to
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Term of Office: July 1 -
June 30 |
(one delegate for every 250 members) |
Term of Office: July 1 -
June 30 |
Chapter membership to the Society House of Delegates
- Vote on Society issues and provide feedback from the chapter to the
Society on issues related to the safety profession
- Communicate with chapter membership to determine overall chapter
viewpoint on society issues
- Attend the Society House of Delegates meeting in June
- Appoint proxy to represent the chapter at the Society House of
Delegates meeting in June if unable to attend the meeting
Must have served as a chapter officer within the past 7 years and held ASSE membership for at least one (1) year prior to