June 2014
We had a short member meeting with a report from our Delegate who attended this years PDC in Orlando Florida.
The motion for a new governance model passed and Jim Newberry received the Charles V. Culberson
Outstanding Volunteer Service Awards from Kathy Seabrook at the House of Delegates.
Other officer reports from Jim, Tracy, Mary, Tristan and Brian.
The technical session was provided by Jeff Romeo, OSHA Honolulu Area Director who talk to us about "his vision for
 the Honolulu Area Office and provided us with an update regarding concurrent jurisdiction".

We finished up with a lively discussion about opportunities for our student and ways
that we can improve our Section/Chapter interaction and communications.

May 2014
We held a member meeting at PacRim to:
1) confirmed by acclimation our incoming 2014/2015 officers;
2) thanks to the current year offices for their service;
 3) Acknowledge Elston Stephenson (Swede)'s completion of dual safety certificate at UCSD;
4) Facilitation of experience / sound bites from past and future presidents of the society:
   a) Skipper Kendrick; b) Eddie Greer; c) Rick Pollack and; d) Trish Ennis
5) Pupus, no host bar and networking - great end of our first day at PacRim

April 2014
Kauokalani Moikeha provided us with a presentation on "What OSH professionals need to know about Fleet Safety".
All organizations need to be aware of and manage their fleet operations, even the incidental fleet, but most importantly the CDL fleet.
Kauokalin's presentation

March 2014
We held a member business meeting to go over:
1 - PacRim Planning and volunteerism
2 - an update on chapter administration and finances
3 - an update on the revised bylaws and subsequent vote to adopt them (passed)
4 - an update on the new ASSE Governance Model from our Delegate to the HOD, Joaquin Diaz

5 - provided an update on nominations and elections, elections to be held at our May meeting at HCC/PacRim

February 2014
Walter Chun provided us with a presentation on
"Duty of Care" - Occupational safety and health can be important for moral, legal, and financial reasons.
All organizations have a duty of care to ensure that employees and any other person who may be affected by the companies undertaking remain safe at all times.
His presentation can be downloaded > here <

January 2014
Jim Newberry, Risk Control Manager at Island Insurance Company provided us with a
rousing presentation on ASSE's recent People to People Delegation to India. This was a technical presentation focused
on the best practices exhibited by the organizations visited that were in the itinerary of the People to People Delegation planning group.

Dec. 2013 - no meeting

November 2013
We held a member meeting to go over the outcomes of the financial audit and solutions to avoid future governance issues.
We also went over new bylaw revisions and our new SOG, which were adopted following provisions of our bylaws.
We also held a special election as Howard Hendricks stepped down as president, moving Bill Troegner in to that position but leaving the president elect position open.
According to our bylaws if a vacancy of this nature occurs before 6 month in to the fiscal year, a special election is required.
Jim Newberry was duly elected to fulfill the 2013/2014 term, but accepted the nomination to just complete this years position and not to succeed to president in the following year.

August 2013
Steve Hanson provided us with a presentation on changes to the fall protection standards - ANSI Z-359

Steve's PowerPoint presentation can be accessed here

July 2013
 Mother's Against Drunk Drivers covered their efforts to reduce drunk and distracted driving in Hawaii.

June 2013
 NFL referees Tony Corrente and Carl Cheffersbe were in Hawaii for the Aloha Clinic who trains local football officials from Pop Warner to High School and shared their experiences with us. We also had a short membership meeting to announce the names of our new officers for the 2013-2014 year and were provided with an update on the audit.

May 2013
OSHA Hawaii - 1 Day Workshop
Thanks to the conference organizers (especially Nathan Lutz) for a successful well attended conference and expo.

April 2013
Karadeen Kam-Kalani provided us with a stimulating talk on 
"The Truth About Lying: A closer look at the verbal and nonverbal indices of deceit"

Motivation for deception. 

- Obtain advantage 

- Avoid punishment 

- Protect self

- Protect others or relationships



Types of lies

- Falsification

- Exaggeration 

- Omitting 

- Equivocation - evasion

- Lying with the truth


Non Verbal Cues to Deceit

- 4 Factor theory

- Arousal (pupil dilation, heart rate)

- Negative affect

- Cognitive load 

- Attempted control

Which cues are the most telling

- Verbal - voice raises - pitch up

- Pausing more 

- Speech hesitation

- Longer response latency



Other non-verbal cues

- Negative tone

- Lowered involvement

- Lowered facial pleasantness



Verbal cues to Deceit

- Negative statements

- General terms 

- Depersonalization

- Shorter responses

- Contradictions


Verbal cues to Truth-telling

- Quantity of detail

- Contextual embedding 

- Reproduction of conversation 

- Unusual details

- Instructor production 


The Effect of Suspicion in Interrogation 

- Improving lie detection skills

- Consider multiple cues

- Look for diagnostic cues

- Be suspicious but don't show suspicion
 more  >>>

- Use an open ended questioning style

- Ask the interviewee to repeat what was said earlier 

- Ask interviewees to give account in reverse order

- Know that aggressive interrogation will often backfire. 



No March Meeting

February 2013
Mark Behrens, Director Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness for the Hawaii Department of Education provided us with a presentation entitled “Sandy Hook Elementary and School Safety Security... where have we been and where are we going”. We will also held a business meeting we have several topics to discuss: 1. OSHA Hawaii Workshop; 2. 2014 Pac Rim Safety Conference 3. Phase One report from financial auditors

January 2013
A member meeting was held with an opportunity to look at the wonderful artwork the kids made and and an opportunity to vote in the Keiki Safety Poster Contest. We hada presentation by Assistant Superintendent for School Facilities and Support Services - Ray L'Heureux. Ray is a retired Marine Officer (2011). He served as the Chief of Staff Marine Forces Pacific, Executive Assistant to the Commander United States Pacific Command, Commanding Officer of Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 362, and most notably, Commanding Officer of Marine Helicopter Squadron One where he was the personal helicopter pilot for the President of The United States. Ray will talk to us about that position's safety and security issues. We finished up with a business meeting to update the chapter on the progress of the financial audit proceedings, here is a letter prepared on January 15th where PKF Pacific Hawaii LLP provides an update to the chapter via Craig > PKF Pacific Hawaii LLP letter

October 2012
A member meeting was held to discuss the financial audit. There were 2 items passed at the meeting: (1) the audit report was accepted and; (2) a committee of the members was established to select an independent 3rd party audit firm which included - Tracy, Bill, Joaquin and, Lori. Here also is the response to the audit from the Executive Committee.

NOTE: As an active participant in the meeting, I offered an oversimplification of the term "conflict of interest" and would like to offer the following to assure all are properly informed... A conflict of interest must be declared and full disclosure provided when identified.  A person may not know or recognize the conflict but once it is known it has to be disclosed.  The person finding the conflict can be anybody.  In this case, as I understand it,  a conflict was identified because the EC did not meet their fiduciary responsibilities and in trying to take hold of the process are perceived to be trying to fix it.  Any action they recommend or take is a conflict that can result or give the appearance that they are trying to protect their interests. Declaring the conflict is only one step in the process (which was done) the process must address how to and then resolve it.  Before the members can "accept" a conflict they must be assured that the conflict will not harm or hinder the chapter.  A "waiver" of the conflict is normally signed by both parties. The conflict was resolved by removing the EC from the process and electing a group of members to select the auditors (which was done).

September 2012
Randy Eyermann of Wolfpeak was our presenter. He discussed design criteria and task specific selection criteria for safety glasses.

July 2012
We had our July meeting on August 2nd do be able to hold a joint ASSE-HI / AIHA-HI meeting with
Diantha Goo,
the new Administrator of Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division (HIOSH)
Diantha provided us an overview of the changes taking place with the notice of concurrent jurisdiction and her plans for the future

June 2012
Nira Cooray, CIH, provided us with a presentation on Industrial Hygiene Sampling Methods and Requirements.

May 2012
Following lunch we completed our election of chapter officers and
had an open discussion of chapter activities for the 2012-13 year.

April 2012
12th Biennial Governors Pacific-Rim
Safety and Health Conference 2012

March 2012
Geoffrey Lau, Hawaii DOH
Provided us with a discussion of the effects of the [Fukujima] tsunami triggered incident, the current situation, and the effects on Hawaii.

February 2012
Joint Meeting - AIHA Hawaii Local Section and ASSE Hawaii Chapter
On - Professional Ethics and Responsibility - What you need to know to keep you and your company out of trouble.
Curt Beck, PE, Professional Ethics Chair for the Hawaii Society of Professional Engineers spoke on Professional Responsibility - what it is and why it's important and Jennifer Shishido, CIH  spoke about the ABIH and ASSE Code of Ethics with workshop on real world examples. Bob McEldowney conducted a workshop on the OSHA Grinnell Decision and how it impacts third party audits and what professionals need to know to protect themselves and their clients. 


January 2012
Jim Newberry, AVP & Risk Control Manager, Island Insurance
Provided us with an overview of t
he - ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard
Jim explained that the ISO 31000 Risk Management Guideline is the first international risk management standard offering a new global and universally accepted standard. It was adopted in 2011 as ANSI/ASSE Z-690 and is intended to replace the many differing standards, which stretch across industries, regions, and subjects. He indicated that it gives users an understanding of how to develop, implement, and maintain effective risk management within their organization, and provides further recommendations for the framework, process, and implementation of risk management gained from experience and good practice.

December 2011
We had a wonderful chapter holiday gathering at

November 2011

October 2011
Galen Lemke, Honolulu Area Director for OSHA
Provided us with an update on Federal OSHA's approval of the change to the HIOSH state plan which
as of 10-12-11excludes jurisdiction of private sector employers on all military installations in Hawaii.
OSHA is now providing compliance for all
private sector employers on all military installations in Hawaii.

September 2011
Tracy Lawson, Construction Safety & Security Manager, Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project

Provided us with a talk about: HART (rail project) safety 

August 2011
Ed Teixiera, Vice-Director of Hawaii Civil Defense
Provided us with a talk about:
Lessons learned from the March 2011 tsunami.

July 2011
Jay Jamali, Director, Enviro Safetech - out of San Jose, CA
Provided us with a talk about: Prevention Thru Design, a proactive approach to preplanning for safety.

June 2011
Joaquin Diaz, Safety Director, Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company
Provided us with a
great presentation on the changes in the crane standard and the safe operation of cranes.
We really appreciate his sharing of his knowledge on this complex subject.

May 2011
OSHA Hawaii Workshop - 2011

Breakout topics included:
   - Paperwork—Make Sure You Get it Right (OSHA Recordkeeping)

   - Too Close for Comfort/Ground Attacks (Struck by injuries and same-level falls)
   - Performance Indicators—Measures of Success
   - Pre-Task Planning (to reduce risk of accidents and injuries)
   - Electrical safety—The Shocking Truth
   - Going for the Gold (Five Nuggets of Engineering Controls)
   - Fall protection: A Moment can Create Sudden Impact
   - OSHA and HIOSH updates
   - Understanding Subcontractor Control 

Keynote Speaker:

   - Keith Kashiwada showed us How to Avoid Communication Danger

April 2011
Josh Capello with Tesoro Corp
Provided us with a talk about
Oil and Gas Manufacturing being one of Hawaii’s most Hazardous industries.
And, a how they keep their employees and facility safe. We also hear how they manage their safety program.

March 2011
Howard Hendricks, Safety Director, Jas. W. Glover, Ltd.
Provided us with a talk about Housekeeping

February 2011
Joaquin Diaz, Safety Director, Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company
Provided us with a talk about
about "Core Values" at Hawaiian Dredging that sets a high standard of Safety Leadership

January 2011
Gaylord Yoshimura, Safety Director for Charles Pankow Builders
provided us with a talk about his journey to China with People to People which was sponsored by ASSE

December 2010
ASSE Hawaii Holiday Gathering at The Willows.
We also judged the Keiki posters that Mark Behrens solicited from local public schools for NAOSH

November 2010
Galen Lemke, Area Director, Honolulu OSHA Region IX
shared his ideas on where OSHA is going as well as the impact it will have here in Hawaii.

October 2010
Keith Kashiwada, Professor of Speech at Kapi'olani Community College 
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"How to effectively communicate with difficult people"

September 2010
Walter Chun, PhD, CSP, CHSP, CHST, Principle of OSHCON, Inc
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"Why we belong to and support our professional organizations"

August 2010
Gary Shimaburkuro, Laulima Hawaii 
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"Pharmaceutical Drugs, did you know that giving someone your prescription medication is a crime?"

July 2010
Mike Thompson, CSP, HSE [Mike is the Information Technology and Services Global HSE Advisor for
BP Exploration and Production located in Houston, TX
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"The Deapwater Horizon Accident - Lessons that all HSE Professionals can bring to their employers from this accident"

June 2010
Joy Waikoloa of Hawaii Audiology Consultants, Inc.   
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
Joy provided us with a great discussing about the importance of Hearing Conservation, and the ramifications if we don't address the issue of noise in the workplace and the impact is has on the quality of worker's lives as the progress with occupational hearing loss.

--- ASSE PDC Happenings in Baltimore ---
Social Gathering at Days Inn (pictures here)
Dedication of a "
Hawaii Chapter Professional Development Grant" [big check below] at HOD

Informal Hawaii Chapter Board Meeting - Wednesday, after the conference closed
- Lots of networking -

May 2010
Pac Rim - No Ka Oi

April 2010
Joaquin Diaz, Safety Director, Hawaiian Dredging  
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"Fall Protection"
Joaquin spent most of the time discussing anchor points and their importance in the chain of fall arrest components that make up a fall arrest system. Thanks Joaquin for this valuable lesson on the technical aspects of anchor points and the importance of getting it right.

March 2010
Attorney Jacquline Amami from HENDERSON GALLAGHER & KANE 
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"Worker Comp Update"

February 2010
Helen Campbell
Territory Manager for DuPont Protection Technologies

Who provided us with a presentation entitled
Cut Protection for the Hands & Arms"
Helen provided us with the background of Kevlar and the various materials, weaves and materials used in
gloves and arm protection. With this information we are better able to wade through the plethora of
available products to choose the right hand/arm protection products for our particular needs.

January 2010
Vasilash, Safety Director, American Electric and our ASSE Hawaii Chapter Safety Professional of the Year
Who provided us with a presentation on
Arc Flash Safety / NFPA 70-E"
In addition to the discourse provided by Mike Thompson at the beginning of the meeting on volunteerism and bringing value to the organization, Dan - during the remainder of the meeting - provided us with information on the basics of electrical and arc flash safety and how to apply the newly revised consensus standards that can be cited by CSHO's.

December 2009
We held our annual Holiday Party
I missed it this go 'round (dress rehearsal for the B-9) so if anyone has any highlights to share, let me know.

November 2009
Jeremy Michelson, P.E. CPESC, (Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control) and
Civil Engineer Andy Mizon IT Consulting Manager  
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
Real Time Dust Monitoring for the Wailua Bridge Project"
Jeremy & Andy provided us with an
Overview of Oceanit’s approach and solution to the challenges of implementation
Tom provided us with a great overview of things that go into evaluating aspects of the project

October 2009
Thomas Bellit from RAE Systems  
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
Confined Space"
Tom provided us with a great overview of things that go into evaluating aspects of a confined space. He talked about the equipment available that is used to measure environmental and flammability parameters and their limitations as well as some very important pieces of the puzzle that go in to doing CS projects safely with the high tech great that is available to us today.

September 2009
Ed Teixeira, Vice Director of Civil Defense for the State of Hawaii
Who provided us with a site tour of the state Civil Defense HQ in Diamond Head Crater

August 2009
Ed Teixeira, Vice Director of Civil Defense for the State of Hawaii
Who provided us with a presentation entitled

"A discussing about Civil Defense function and recent events"

July 2009
Bill Sims, Jr., President of the Bill Sims Company
Who provided us with a presentation entitled

Green Beans & Ice Cream"
Bill provided us a definitive recipe for effective Behavior-Based Talent Retention & Recognition Programs.
He informed us how to produce dramatic improvements in retention, safety, wellness, bright ideas,
employee morale and more while lowering costs and eliminating administrative headaches?

June 2009
Allen Tavares and Russell Takaezu from CWR Hawaii
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
Rigging inspection requirements for various type of slings (wire rope, chains, synthetic) and hardware (shackles, hooks)"
Allen provided us with a workshop on safety issues associated with the products that CWR provides to employers here in Hawaii. There was a combination of Power-point presentations, pictures, video, show and tell with good and bad hardware and software as well as a really nice workbook and some resources to help us in with various safety issues when using rigging equipment.

May 2009
The ASSE Hawaii Chapter and the State of Hawaii DLIR/HIOSH
Who put on the "OSHA Hawaii Workshop" 2009
Thanks go out to Neil Yamamoto, Joanna Clark, Mary Silva and the rest of the Executive Committee as well as Jennifer Shishido, Jamesner Dumlao, Director Ching and the DLIR and HIOSH staff who contributed to this very successful outreach program for our community and of course a big thanks to all of the presenters who provided a terrific program.
Tongue Fu, Gwen Fujie
Welding Health hazards:  What You Don’t Know Might Hurt You, Nira Cooray, CIH, CSP
HIOSH’s Most Frequently Cited Conditions – The Top 15, HIOSH staff
Understanding NFPA70E and Arc Flash Hazards, Dan Vasilash, ASP, CHST, CHMM
 H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) – What Employers and Employees Need to Know , Jennifer Shishido, CIH
Worker Health and Safety in Developing Economies of Asia, Dr. Jas Singh, CIH
Healthcare Security Emergency Response at the Queen’s Medical Center, David Kikau
Evaluation of Safety and Health Management Programs using the OSHA Form-33, Liese Barnes
What’s the Latest on Lead Regulations,
Dr. Jerry Formisano, CIH, CSP
Enablers vs. Enforcers, Lewis Boucher, CHST, OHST
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) A rose by any other name, Jennifer Shishido, CIH
EM385-1-1 Major Changes in the 15 September 2008 Manual, John I. Blandamer
Fleet Safety Essentials,
Kauokalani Moikeha

April 2009
Resti Paguirigan, Public Safety Specialist, Hawaiian Electric Co., Inc
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
Electrical hazards and how to protect ourselves, our co-workers and our families"
Mr. Paguirigan is an accident investigator involving electrical equipment and infrastructure, provides quality assurance of electrical facilities with the National Electric Safety Code, is an emergency first responder, an electrical safety compliance educator as well as an occupational safety, health and wellness consultant.

March 2009
Raymond Kalawe, Base Support, Vehicle and Equipment Product Line Coordinator, NAVFAC HI and
Daniel McMoore, Weight Handling Equipment Director, NAVFAC HI

Who provided us with a presentation entitled "Improved Process to Reduce Crane Accidents"
We've all heard the deadly crane accident stories over the past 2 years from Seattle to Las Vegas to New York and Florida.  
Ray and Dan provided us with an informative presentation on what NAVFAC HI is doing to reduce crane accidents.

February 2009
Katie McMillan, Western Regional Sales Manager, TSI Incorporated
Who provided us with a presentation entitled "Got Fit?"
Respiratory protection is more of concern to us today than it has ever been in the past.  Katie McMillan will discuss the latest rules and regulations governing fit testing needs, discuss the differences between qualitative and quantitative fit testing and indoor air quality.   
Please join us for this interesting and very informative presentation sponsored by our members in the Industrial Hygiene Practice Specialty.

December 2008 January 2009
The ASSE Holiday Party was rescheduled  
to - Friday, January 16, 2009
and was held at the
- Natsunoya Tea House
We donated the proceeds to the ASSE Foundation.

November 2008
John Blandamer, Safety and Occupational Health Manager, USACE Pacific Ocean Division (CEPOD-SO)
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"EM 3850101: Major Changes in the 15 Sept 09 USACE Construction Safety Manual"
John provided use with an overview of the EM385 standard - changes to the construction safety manual. John's academic background includes a B.S. degree in Zoology/Chemistry from Oklahoma State University, a B.S. in Public Health (Safety & Industrial Hygiene) from Utah State University, and graduate work in Toxicology and Environmental Engineering. The area he covers in the Pacific Ocean division includes Alaska, Korea, Japan, the Pacific Islands, and SE Asia.  

October 2008
Howard Hendricks, CSP, Safety Director for Jas. W. Glover, Ltd.
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"How to Make A Safety Training Video"
Howard provided us with an outstanding presentation on how to make a safety training video. He reviewed the equipment needed to make an in-house training video and discussed techniques to make the video work for a target audience. Thanks Howard for a great program

September 2008
Joaquin Diaz, Safety Director for Dick Pacific (at the time)
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program"

At this meeting Joaquin explained to us what VPP is all about, what the benefits are and how to determine if your company is ready.

August 2008
Mark Behrens, DOE Safety and Security Director
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"School Safety and Emergency Plans"
At this meeting Mark Behrens gave a presentation on School Safety and Emergency Plans....can another Columbine or Virginia Tech shooting incident be prevented? This presentation provided insight into what's being done in Hawaii's Public schools to ensure the safety of students and staff from natural, environmental, and man-made hazards. The "School Active Shooter Video" was also presented.

July 2008
Jennifer Shishido, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"Pathway to Success"
Jennifer Shishido shared with us information about the "Pathway to Success" program. The purpose of her presentation was to provide information to those interested to getting involved in this terrific outreach program for Hawaii small and medium sized businesses.
Click here for more information

June 2008
Chuck Beneke, Safety Supervisor at Covanta Honolulu Resource Recovery Venture
Who provided us with
a presentation entitled
"Covanta’s "core values of safety"
and also talked about Covanta’s dedication to achieving operational excellence

Covanta is a world leader in the development and operation of large-scale Energy-from-Waste (EfW) or waste-to-energy (WTE) power projects. The company owns/operates over 30 EfW facilities in the United States that safely convert 15 million tons a year of municipal solid waste into clean, renewable energy for communities throughout the country. That is more than 5% of the nation's municipal solid waste. Overall, Covanta's facilities have processed enough waste to save this nation over 150 million barrels of oil. Covanta also owns and operates independent power production facilities that are powered by other renewable and efficient fossil fuel technologies. Combined with our EfW facilities, the Company's power-generation portfolio exceeds 2,000 MW of electricity worldwide. Covanta has shown a strong management commitment and employee involvement in regards to safety and are one of the safest facilities in the state.

May 2008
Another Pac Rim Conference
Thank you DLIR, HIOSH and our ASSE Hawaii Conference Team:
Neil Yamamoto, Allan Yokoyama, Mary Silva, Joanna Clark, Jennifer Shishido, Dale Brito,
Barbara Goto, Danielle Harrison, Erin Hoffer, Clayton Winger, Yvonne Yamashita, Richard Vieira,
Craig Shoji, Howard Hendricks, Warren Ando, Jason Iwamasa, Fred Nakamura, Ellen Kondo and
a special note of recognition for the members of our student section.
Thanks to all who attended for coming, the chapter officers, executive committee,
HIOSH, DLIR, and all the volunteers to put it all together and made it happen. A special thanks
to all our vendors and speakers. See you again in 2010 for our biennial event.

April 2008
Jim Newberry, AVP & Risk Control Manager @ Island Insurance Company
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"Achieving optimal safety results by managing change with interpersonal skills"
It’s not just how we conduct ourselves when dealing with people that matters, it is understanding what is happening and managing our communication with others that can have a greater impact. Jim talked about some specific aspects of communication when used with “unplanned change” that can yield higher levels of effectiveness in our safety work.

March 2008
Scott Williams, General Manager at Lex Brodie
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"Safety with a customer service twist"
Safety is the key to how Lex Brodie arrived at great customer service, and Scott told us his story about how that came to be as well as sharing the great safety orientation video they produced.

February 2008
Melanie Javens, Complete Equity Markets, Inc
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"Things to consider when looking for Professional Liability Insurance"

January 2008
Andrew Buchan with Pa'ina Hawai'i
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"Food Irradiation"
Andrew has over 15 years of experience in Radiation Safety. He started as a Safety Technician at Yale, then a Health Physicist at UC Santa Barbara, and UC San Francisco. Prior to coming to Hawaii, he was a Radiation Safety Officer at UC Merced. He discussed what radiation is, what its used for in our every day lives, perceptions of risk vs. actual risk, and he'll also have a discussion about the irradiator.

November 2007
Our Board and the new Hawaii Student Section
Who provided us with
a delightful holiday gathering
"Doing Our Part"
1) The Hawaii Student Section provided us with a presentation on their experience at the National Future Safety Leaders Conference that was held earlier this month in Nashville, TN. This two-day conference, was designed exclusively for ASSE Student Members and was created to prepare these future safety professional for the transition from student life to employment as a safety, health & environmental employee. The schedule included educational sessions ranging from real-life safety experiences to running a student section; safety tours; and plenty of opportunities to network with peers.
The event was at no cost to the ASSE Hawaii Student Section members: housing and meals were covered by ASSE and our Chapter supported them attended this event.
2) Bargara Goto, Chapter Treasurer provided us with a presentation on OSHA's efforts following the horrendous fires in Southern California last month which centered around evaluating the health exposures from fire retardant and the products of combustion from the fires by evaluating the ash from many of the fire sites.
3) The games, food and fun were very much appreciated by all who attended, especially the reindeer, followed by "on the first day of xmas my tutu gave to me"... what was that Jenny, how many time did you do 'one mina bird in on papaya tree' " - you got on the wrong end of the line for sure. I only had to do 'six hula lessons 6 times' ha ha ha or ho ho ho. Thank you Joanna and Shar from Airgas/Gaspro West for the wonderful games and prizes.

PS: Half of the proceeds from our Holiday Gathering will be going to the ASSE Foundation; Doing Our Part

October 2007
Jimmy Zane, Corp. Dir. Safety & Health, McCabe, Hamilton & Renny
Who provided us with
a presentation entitled
"Port Security"
His company provides stevedoring service at all of the harbor locations in Honolulu and on the island of Maui and Kauai. Their capabilities include vessel stevedoring of virtually every commodity that arrives or departs from Hawaii, terminal services, and equipment rental and repair. Jimmy was kind enough to talk to us about Port Security and covered how the new security requirements impact those that work at various harbor locations in Hawaii.

September 2007
Dr. Sussman, The Medical Corner
Who provided us with
a presentation entitled
"Drug Screening Update - What every Business should know about Drug Screening  
Dr. Bob shared with us his ability to go on almost any job site in Hawaii and get from 20-100% positives on random testing every-time”. His message was directed at those employers who already do drug testing  and explained some of the reasons behind recent changes in drug screening practice and what they need to do to update their company policy.

July 2007
Herr President and Conference Chair Neil Yamamoto held a planning meeting for our upcoming

"Pac Rim 2008"  
A new organizational chart and Chair Person Check-in added to a lively meeting
Go team Go

June 2007
Dan Vasilash, Jr., CHST, CHMM, STS, Safety Director Watts Constructors
Who provided us with a presentation entitled
"The Dangers & Potential Hazards Associated with UXO"  
Dan shared with us that the field of unexploded ordnances (UXO) has grown since the federal government started closing its military bases around the country and began turning over the land to its original owners.  Much of the land turned over to the State of Hawaii was used for target practices and other military exercises.  As the state converts the land for residential and agricultural use, there are dangers and potential hazards that may involve unexploded ordnances. He will let us know when the next training will be available so we can get word our to our members, and the contractors most notably (there are 304 sites throughout Hawaii that are affected) working in the Waikoloa area of the Big Island.

May 2007
Barry Hirshorn,  Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
Who provided us with
a presentation entitled
"Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - how they interact with Civil Defense 
and other government agencies...and some historical stuff" 

April 2007

The 2007 OSHA Hawaii Workshop was a great success, thanks to the chapter volunteers, 
Airgas/Gaspro as well as to our speakers & exhibitors. 

Presentation materials that were forwarded for webposting:
Multi-Employer Worksites [Walter Chun & Tracy Lawson]
if you right click on the link above and choose 
"save link as" or "save target as" you can save the file to your computer

March 2007
Paul Zoubek, CSP, CIH,  Occupational Services, Inc., San Diego, CA
Who provided us with
a one day workshop entitled
Basic Electrical Safety with Application of NFPA 70E"
The course content covered the basic principles required to meet OSHA and NEC standards. Course objectives included providing a chronological sequence to implement electrical hazard control and management practices.Worker injuries resulting from lacking or inadequate electrical safety controls can be debilitating and even fatal. It is the responsibility of the health and safety professional to recognize electrical hazards and suggest methods of control. This was an excellent course for safety professionals that will examined how-to issues using a unique, direct explanation of principles and visual skills. 

February 2007
Paul King with 3M Corporation
gave a presentation entitled
Highlights of the New hexavalent chromium standard"
indicated that on February 28, 2006 the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) published the final Hexavalent Chromium (CrVI) Standard and that there are three versions of the standard: General Industry (1910.1026), Construction (1910.1126) and Shipyards (1515.1026).  Paul reviewed the difference between the old and the new standard, he explain why the sudden change, the industries affected by the change, the action requirements for businesses and IH specialists including permissible exposure limits, start-up dates, respiratory protection and exposure assessments

January 2007
Ken Grote with Aloha
Health & Safety Consulting & Training
gave a presentation entitled
Fall Protection: Vertical vs. Horizontal, What's the difference?"
address different Fall Protection equipment
application requirements in construction of vertical versus horizontal
uses, (CFR 1926.501 Subpart M ) including a demonstration of fall protection equipment


December 2006
ASSE Hawaii Holiday Gathering at the Natsunoya Tea House, 1935 Makanani Drive, Honolulu, HI

November 2006
Ray Takai with Grace Pacific Corporation
& Mike Monell with B-Safe Consulting
gave a presentation entitled
Do You Have a Fleet Car Safety Program?"
Ray discussed
the ANSI/ASSE Z15.1-2006 standard, Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations and Mike talked about guidelines for establishing an effective fleet car safety program

November 2006
Frank Planton, One Call General Manager, Dan Bilderback (Hawaii Public Utilities Commission), Steve Golden (PUC One Call Center Advisory Committee Chairman/The Gas Company), John Cheung (PUC One Call Center Advisory Committee Vice-Chari/Building Industry Association), Leonard Leong (General Contractors Association), Resti Paguirigan (Hawaiian Electric Company), Calvin Choy (Hawaiian Telecom), Mark Maetani (Board of Water Supply), Don Grimes (Pipeline Operators Industry).
gave a presentation entitled
Hawaii One Call "
This one day conference covered: What’s the law (Chapter 269E, Hawaii Revised Statutes, in a nutshell), Purpose of the Hawaii One Call Law, Enforcement of the Hawaii One Call Law, Fines/Penalties for Violators of the Hawaii One Call Law

November 2006
Sam Gualardo, CSP
Critical Elements for Maximizing Safety Performance Excellence"
This technical audio conference call reviewed the thirteen critical elements found in organizations that consistently achieve safety performance excellence

October 2006
Teresa J. Smart, SSHO for Dunkin & Bush, Inc
Who provided a tour of the
RED Hill Fuel Depot"

September 2006
Jon Wagner, B-Safe Consulting
Who gave a presentation entitled
Residential Construction Fall Protection Issues Got You In A Bind?"
Jon provided us with his approach to determining feasibility issues with the currently available technology on residential fall protection issues. He provided us with solutions that have been test-proven on many residential projects in Hawaii. He provided us his company's experience in addressing residential construction safety issues including suggestions, ideas and long term solutions to work on housing projects.

August 2006
Phillip L. Colleran, CSP, Construction Safety and Health Consultant
ASSE Technical Audio Conference Call

Fall Arrest/Protection Systems for Construction and Demolition Operations "
This call focused on the issues of fall arrest/protection for construction and demolition operations, the importance to all SH&E professionals, what it means to you from the practical perspective, and ways to control such exposures and hazards on your own sites.

The ASSE Hawaii Chapter
also sponsored an ASP Review Course in August put on by

Langlois, Weigand & Associates, Inc. of Baton Rouge, LA

ASP Workshop:
  A review of more than 450 sample problems addressing all six sections covered by the exam..
  A review of applied mathematical concepts of probability, statistics, algebra, and trigonometry.
?  Engineering: safety and environmental, occupational health, fire protection..............................
  Applied Management: principles, ergonomic analysis, risk management, and workers’ comp....
  Legal / Regulatory and professional affairs............................................................................
  The cumulative passing rate for those who have taken the exam after the workshop is 80%.......
  ASP workbook was provided. ..............................................................................................

July 2006
Sandra Takeda, United States Postal Service
Who gave a presentation on the
Ergonomic Risk Reduction Process (ERRP) being used at the USPS"
The ERRP is a VPP Partnership between the: United States Postal Service/American Postal Workers Union AFL-CIO/

May 2006
Another Pac Rim Conference
Thank you DLIR/HIOSH and our ASSE Hawaii Conference Team:
Mary Silva, Joanna Clark, George Mauliola, Neil Yamamoto, Allan Yokoyama, Evalyn Inn, Jennifer Hil, Dale Brit, Barbara Goto, Sharlyn Lau, Clayton Winger, Yvonne Yamashita, Richard Vieira, Craig Shoji, Mel Harano, Warren Ando,

April 2006
Jim Newberry, Island Insurance Company
Who gave a presentation on
"The Island Institute"
 (click here to read his White Paper)

Jim talked about the programs offered by the Island Institute
providing Risk Management Education for Hawaii Businesses.
Barbara Yee and Gaylord Yoshimura, Visioneers
Who gave a presentation on
"C.A.S.T for Success"
Barbara and Gaylord delivered a unique session around
C.A.S.T. for Success process as applied to safety.

March 2006
Barbara Goto, Manager - US Department of Labor, OSHA
Who gave a presentation on
"What she learned during the Katrina clean up activities"
She has first hand experience to the conditions of the safety and environmental exposures that workers and the communities are going through.

February 2006
Walter Chun, OSHCON, Inc.
Who gave a presentation on
"Effective Safety and Health Program Management Elements"
The elements of an effective safety and health program described by OSHA and HIOSH includes a "management and leadership" element. It is one of the critical program elements. How many employers or projects measure this element and how are the measures analyzed? A long construction project with an analysis of this element reflect a variety of factors that must be considered in an effective safety and health program

February 7, 7:00am
Bobbie Athey, Carmen Daecher, and Paul Tamburelli.
ASSE produced teleconference on transportation safety & security related issues in today's challenging environment
Location: Castle & Cooke Homes, 95-1000 Ukuwai Street, Mililani, HI

January 2006
Mike Gladson, Project Engineer for the Fleet Industrial Supply Center
Teresa J. Smart, Dunkin & Bush, Inc.
Who gave a tour of the Dunkin & Bush, Inc.'s project to repair 12.8 million gallon
underground fuel storage tanks in Halawa Valley

The tour proceeded through Adit 5 tunnel to the junction of Adit 4 & 5 and
included entry into one of the tanks multi million gallon tanks

The group getting a safety briefing outside the prison before the tour

November 2005
Xmas Party at the
Natsunoya Tea House
We ate, played games - but no one will send pictures
Barbara Goto gave us a report on her incredible and heart wrenching
journey to the Gulf Coast as a Federal Safety Officer, and explained the scope of
the continuing disaster and frustration of not being able to help those in need - due to constraints.

October 2005
Mr. Bill G. Wood, Jr., ARM, CHST with Argonaut Insurance
Who gave a presentation on
"Getting Desired Behavior"
Have you ever had the challenge of trying to get someone to change the way they do things?
For many of us, this is where we succeed or fail as safety professionals.

September 2005
Teresa J. Smart, Dunkin & Bush, Inc.
Who gave a presentation on
Award Winning Safety in Unusual Places” 
Working underground in 12.8 million gallon fuel storage tanks under Red Hill would create interesting safety challenges for any contractor.  See how Dunkin & Bush, Inc and their award winning safety program step up to conquer these challenges.

August 2005
Robert Brumblay, M.D., American Heart Association.
Who gave a presentation on
AED’s – Are They Endangering Your Company’s Assets? ” 
Shared with us the progress being made in the proliferation of AED's that has occurred in past years, but that still more are needed due to the time necessary to have a positive result. Legal aspects included: if you have them, train and use them; and not having them where there is a risk of heart failure is more of a liability than not having them where you could anticipate the need.

July 2005
Detective Chris Duque with the Honolulu Police Department
Who gave a presentation on
“Identity Theft” 
Shared with us the threat of identity theft.  It happens everyday; but we do not want to become victimized by an unknown source that uses your identity to get whatever they want.  Safeguard your personal information and learn what you can do to protect yourself.  Find out what types of new laws are being created to protect us in cyberspace and beyond.

June 2005
Gary King with 3M
Who gave a presentation on
"Air Monitoring for Respirable Air Quality"
He also covered "What you need to know about OSHA's cartridge change out schedule.  

MaY 2005
Stacey Kapeliela
Detective, Honolulu Police Department, Narcotics Division
Who gave a presentation on
Working Together for a Drug Free Workplace
A drug free workplace from a different perspective.  Detective Kapeliela will engage us with information relating to the kinds of violence the theft that drug use brings to the workplace.  Find out what things can be done, what to do if you suspect drug use and how to work together with the police department to safe guard your facility.

April 2005
Airgas/Gaspro - ASSE Hawaii Chapter
Hawaii OSHA Workshop
Thanks George, Shar, Joanna and all the safety and health organizations who sponsored speakers and had a booth 
for all your hard work in creating another wonderful safety event for Hawaii

March 2005
Scott Schneider
Director, Occupational Safety and Health, Laborers' Health & Safety Fund of North America

Who gave a presentation on
Construction Ergonomics

In 2002, 15.9% of Hawaii construction laborers and 11.9% of Hawaii carpenters reported MSD injuries.  Sprains and strains in any industry can be reduced.  The average cost for a single sprain of strain injury for all industries was $7008 in 2002. There are many things that can be done to reduce such injuries ranging from improved basic safety training to increased supervision on the job site and much more that will be covered in this half day session. 

February 2005
Tom Kirby 
District Manager, Industrial Scientific Corporation
Who gave a presentation on
Gas Detection Awareness

He says "It amazes me that people are still dying across the country from working in Confined Space. Most because of either not monitoring for hazardous gases or doing it wrong. It's pretty simple once you understand the basics

January 2005
Evalyn Inn
President, Hawaii Audiology

Who gave a presentation on
Hearing Conservation - Training & Education
Many times employees who choose not to comply with your hearing conservation program, don't fully understand the consequences or risks of hearing loss. Understanding the reasoning behind the assessments, audiograms, hearing protections, etc. can encourage compliance. This is a extremely important aspect in the program.

November 2004
Tom Grumbles
Manager of Product Safety and Occupational Health for Sasol North America, Inc.

Who gave a presentation on ...
"MSDS's and 
GHS (Global Harmonizing System)"
GHS is a way to standardize MSDS's, labeling, etc. 
on an international level and this idea is getting a lot attention

October 2004
Gaylord Yoshimura & Barbara Yee

Who gave a presentation on ...
Define The Vision, Commit To Success
Challenging traditional approaches to operational situations 
using Safety as it’s focal point. 
Every success effort begins with a Vision. 
Once stated, the commitment to embrace 
and be accountable for success 
is critical to making the Vision come alive.

September 2004
Sam Dannaway, P.E., C.S.P.

Who gave a presentation on ...
NFPA 5000

According to NFPA, the new code "
addresses those construction, protection 
and occupancy features necessary 
to minimize danger to life and property."

The code's purpose is to provide minimum design regulations to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare, as well as minimize injuries, by regulating and controlling the permitting, design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of all buildings within jurisdictions where the code is adopted. 

August 2004
Ed Teixiera, Vice Director of State Civil Defense
Charles L. Goodwin, Head of the Honolulu FBI Office
Who gave a presentation on ...
"Homeland Security and Terrorism"
Story on the terrorism vulnerability here in Hawaii

July 2004 
Jas Singh

Who gave a presentation on ...
"Cognitive Ergonomics in Accident Prevention"
"Cognitive Ergonomics" deals with ensuring employees understand what to do (from training, daily pre-work meetings, instruction manuals, signs, signals, etc.) to prevent injuries rather than the typical "Physical Ergonomics" issues of improper lifting, working with bent wrists or with arms above shoulder level too long etc.
Consultants in Occupational Safety & Industrial Hygiene

June 2004
Haunani Acohido

with Trace Hawaii, who talked about "Sun Safety"
What you need to know about protecting yourself and 
your workers from the harmful affects of the sun.
A very interesting related website

May 2004
Nezette Rydell
Warning Coordination Meteorologist NWS
 The importance of weather in our lives
What you should know about it as it relates to safety and preparedness."

April 2004
Governor's Pacific Rim Safety & Health Conference
Thank you DLIR, HIOSH and our ASSE Hawaii Conference Team:
Jim Newberry, George Mauliola, Tracy Lawson, Rusty Niu, Dale Brito, Kim Strohecker
Yvonne Yamashita, Tom Goob, Jennifer Shishido 

March 2004
Carolyn Pearl, NCCI
"Reducing Injury Costs In Your Workplace - 2004"

January 2004
Mr. Bernard Tom
Construction Safety Manager; NavFac-Pacific Division.
"Using your Project Schedule as a Basis for your Accident Hazard Analysis".

November  2003
Tom Goob, MPH, MBA, CSP 
Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs Manager
Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc.

Gave a talk about the very succesfull 
Ergonomics Program that he set up at DLS

October 2003 
ASSE Hawaii Chapter visits the 
Hawkeye Squadron aboard USS Nimitz, Pearl Harbor


August 2003

Carla Rea, ASSE Home office
Generational Synergy, "Hay Gramps, I want the day off!"
Better learn how to deal with each generation before it is too late!

Close the Gap: Generational Aptitude Progressive Training  

The Good ‘Ole Days are gone and the workplace is ever-changing. In the next two years, the workplace will have four generations in fully active roles for the first time in U.S. history. Do you think that might accelerate the change? You bet it will! How much do you know about your present and future co-workers? Isn’t it time to learn?

Carla Rea has been the Manager of Chapter Services for the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) for the past two years. In her nine plus years in association work, she has gained experience in the areas of chapter services, educational services, member services, international, publication development and purchasing, supervision, web site coordination and volunteer recruitment and retention. She obtained a BA degree from Columbia College in Chicago and an MBA with a concentration in International Business from Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois. Most recently, Ms. Rea earned recognition from the American Society of Association Executives by being designated a Certified Association Executive (CAE). Ms. Rea has presented various programs at national, regional and local meetings for ASSE, Association Forum of Chicagoland, and the American Society of Association Executives.

Carla Rea, CAE

: $45 / Non-Members: $60Five Generations

In the next two years, the workplace will have five complete generations in the workplace. This is a first in U.S. and World History. The past has shown that two to three generations struggle to get along, what will happen with five? Can people take advantage of the variety of resources in the workplace and find a new way to approach work?

YES!  Education is the Key!

The best way to learn how to work with people of differing generations is to learn more about the influences on each generation. We learned their wants and needs, their definitions of work ethic, volunteerism and leadership development. There at least three strategies for cross-generational leadership development to use in your workplace, your volunteer efforts, and your home.

The ways that people view the world are formed very early in life. There are a variety of influences that affect our attitudes, values and priorities during our formative years. They include:

• The number of people born during a specified time period

• Structure of the family unit

• The work ethic

• Definition of “duty”

• Current events/Living history

• Pop culture

• Technology

A group of individuals who share common interest in many of these areas are commonly known as a generation. Today’s generational breakdown is:

Title                              Born between:

Pre-Boomers            1922-1944

Baby Boomers         1945-1959

Cuspers                    1960-1969

Busters                     1970-1978

Netsters                    1979-1985 Do You

July 2003
Woodward Jones
gave a presentation on ...
Surviving Hepatitis B - A personal recounting.

May 2003
AGC National Award Winner! Way to go Gaylord and Barbara.
   Speaker: Gaylord Yoshimura & Barbara Yee
Nordic's Modified Duty Program # Attending     22
(This is the famous presentation they did in a bar)

April 2003
OSHA Hawaii Workshop. Thanks, George!

March 2003

Brian Clarke Region-I RVP
Up date on what's happening in the real world of Safety

February 2003

Kathleen Armstrong, Specialist/Hearing  Howard Leight Industries - VALUE motivate
 Ken Hartman, Regional Sales Manager    Quest Technologies
Instrumentation a Key to Controlling Noise in the Work Environment

January 2003
Drug Free Work Place

DECEMBER 2002  a great get together, thanks Mary!
Informative Missing Children Center Presentation

Nov 02
Over flow house listens to  
HIOSH who gave us some bad news, but little help.
While we wait find out how to solve the Ergo problem the same way HIOSH did: copy the WISHA program.

WISHA has some great info check this out:
here is an ERGO calculator which works easily

Oct 02
McGruff Program

Sept 02
Dieter Welwei,
ASSE joint meeting with Hawaii's AIHA Chapter
 "Ergonomics at Opal - General Motors Plant in Germany" 
Great information. Hope to see Dieter at Pac Rim 2004!

Aug 02
Date: 8-8-02   Speaker: Pat Conroy, King and Neel  
Topic: Safety Certifications (CHST/OHST/STS) # Attending: 12

July 02
Date: 7-11-02  Speaker: Gary Fisher from FEMA
Topic: Safety at a FEMA site # Attending: 35 

June 02
Walter Chun, CSP, VP OSHACON
Look out for that Law Suit...there may be a Lawyer in it.
Get your act together, NOW!

MAY  02

Dr. Ronald Kienitz
received his B.S. degree at the University  of Michigan and studied cardiovascular physiology in the masters program at Michigan State University.  In 1980, he received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine at Michigan State University.  He interned at Botsford General Hospital and did an additional post-doctoral year in an orthopedic surgery residency.  He received occupational medical training in a mini-residency program through the University of California, San Francisco.  Dr. Kienitz has worked in occupational medicine since the mid 1980's and has been the medical director at Concentra Medical Centers (formerly Airport Urgent Care) since 1989 .  He is Board Certified in Occupational Medicine; a Certified Independent Medical Examiner by the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners; and a fellow of the American Association of Disability Evaluating Physicians.  He is one of the first doctors in Hawaii to be certified as a Medical Review Officer, and is also certified by the FAA to conduct pilot medical examinations.

April 02
Governor's Pacific Rim Safety & Health Conference
Go Allan Go - The One Man Show

MARCH  02   

Steve gave us an overview of the latest changes in requirements and equipment.
Call 3M for Respirator Training

February  02   
Dean Ochiai, Esq. 
Defense Attorney

Dean presented an informative session of Do's and Don'ts

What to do When S___ Happens
(or the Right Documentation can Save Your Case)

Click here to start

January 02
Our Man Allan up dated us on the Pac Rim 2002. 

Mary Christmas 2001
You missed a great party!

Ken Hirai from HIOSH let us know about the new OSHA 300 requirements. 
See Calendar for latest meeting locations and times to get latest up-dates. 

September 01 
We had a presentation about Solid Waste Management from

John Valera, Environmental Planner
Office of Solid Waste Management

August 01
AIHA Hawaii Chapter (Joint Meeting with the ASSE, Hawaii Chapter)
Speakers: Joel D Brown, MD, FACP  
(History and Medical Aspects of Bio-terrorism)
Professor of Medicine UH JABSOM and The Queen's Medical Center
Winner of several teaching awards, Dr. Brown's interests are mainly in Clinical Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Biological Terrorism, Tropical Medicine and Medical Education.
Dr. Brown presented a great overview of BW around the world and why we need to play ahead. Had some great lunch time pictures of BAD stuff!

Dr. Lanzilotti answers post-presentation Questions
Salvatore S Lanzilotti, Ed.D.
(C&C Bioterrorism Response Plan)
Director, Department of Emergency Services, C&C of Honolulu
Current interests include Emergency Medical Response to incidents involving nuclear, biological, or chemical agents and other weapons of mass destruction.
Dr. Lanzilotti gave an outline of the Modular Response Plan coordinated with C&C and all other agencies. Honolulu probably has the best coordination of any large city in the US.  (After all we are the 11th largest city in the country.)

July 12, 2001
Gary Shimabukuro from Laulima Pacific, Inc.
P.O. Box 29039
Honolulu, HI 96820
Phone 808.842.4940

Gary gave a inspiring presentation on Workplace Violence. 
We all need to review our program and take action!
Call him for additional help.

June 14, 2001
we went to H-Power
Great field trip!
read about it here

May 10, 2001
Now, ask yourself "How expensive was that accident?"
Brian Clarke, CSP

P.O. Box 1300, Portland, OR 97201 Tel: 503-221-8811 Fax: 503-221-8966

o increased compensation insurance premiums

o Medical expenses

o Legal expenses

o Wages paid to injured employees while not producing

o Wages paid to non-injured employees who stop production to assist after the accident or stop to watch, talk about it or who need the output normally provided by the injured worker

o Damaged or spoiled materials

o Replacement of damaged tools or equipment

o overtime work necessary to make up lost production

o Supervisory and administrative personnel time away from normal activities as a result of the accident

o Time required of administrative and clerical personnel while investigating the accident, processing forms, or settling claims

 o Recruiting and training new employees to replace the injured worker either temporarily or permanently

o Reduced production of new of substitute employee

o Reduced production of injured employee when returning to work o Public liability claims

o Loss of contract or cancellation of orders

o Effects of the accident on the company's image and public relations

o Effect on employees' morale or the need to increase wage rates to retain workers for the particular operation

o Legal cost involving a contested case, preparing the case, providing witnesses (workers and supervisors), judgments, settlements, appeals, etc.


o permanent effects of the accident on the health or well-being of the injured worker

o Reduction of earnings while recuperation from an accident

o Reduction of earnings if injuries of illness affects the worker's ability to perform at the pre-accident level

o Reduction of the worker's productive work years

o Destruction of the worker's productive work years

o Destruction of morale if the accident results in a long-term handicap

o Hardship to the family


April 2001 
OSHA Hawaii  Workshop

Topic: Civil Defense/County Government role in disaster response, importance of Disaster Continuity Plans for businesses and communities, and  Possible ASSE role in Disasters. 
Mr. John M. Cummings III,
Disaster Education and Training Officer.
Oahu Civil Defense Agency
"Disasters-It's not If, but When"

Feb 01


Happy ASSE'ers board bus    

Eating again!

Our host: THOMAS BEGA   – Thomas is the Safety Manager /former Operations Manager for the TESORO refinery. 
He spoke highly of their Behavior Based Safety Program. TESORO has an outstanding award winning safety record. 

January 01 Record attendance
members of most of the 17 Safety oriented organization were there

Mr. Leleikis from State of Hawaii, Department of Health 
spoke about lead and Asbestos environmental standards. Very interesting presentation. 
George Mauliola, GASPRO, International
Reviewed the plans for OSHA Hawaii Workshop
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Tapa Tower $65
Day long event with three concurrent sessions mark your calendar
 HORST LOECHEL - TORSO - Gave an overview of the up coming refinery tour
Call today to make your reservation - limited group

No December meeting

November 00
The meeting had the audience enthralled with a historic perspective of confined space.  
Iron men and wooden ships evolved into iron men and iron ships with double bottoms and dark damp spaces.
The new technology led to an explosive condition and transportation crisis.  
Atlantic Environmental &  Marine Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 773
Plymouth, MA 02362
Telephone: (508) 747-6944
Fax: (508) 747-6969

October 00
meeting featured Evelyn Inn 
(known to the safety community as the Hearing Lady) 
spoke about MEDIATION 
and its benefits in today's complicated work place.
She works with the Community Mediation Center of the Pacific.
Conflict need to be resolved early.
read her hand out here

September 00
meeting featured Christopher P. Norris, Safety Consultant 
who talked about "How do we get worker's to buy into our safety values?"  
He focused on family values and getting workers to think about their family's when making decisions that could affect their safety. He has developed a Construction Safety Coloring Book used to reinforce his message with the employees family in the home environment. Contact Chris at  [ EMAIL FRED NAKAMURA]  for more information.